The Hero’s Journey story structure is the most popular story structure for Hollywood movies. It has existed for thousands of years, but has only recently begun to be described and termed as the Hero’s Journey. Anyway, think “Star Wars”, then google it and you’ll see what I’m talking about. Anyway, it can be challenging to write one in a very short story, like would fit in a normal length email. Because they are so well respected and well liked, I wanted to write one. I had the below photo as a story prompt and needed to do it in under 200 words. I hope you enjoy it.
“Hi, Olivia! What are you doing this weekend?”
“Why, Emma?”
“Hannah is having a sleepover. I know you’ve been feeling down because of Jacob. You need girl time! Just bring a cool pair of pajamas.”
“I don’t have any.”
“Let’s go shopping!”
The first store was closed. I said, “What’s up with that? We were here a week ago. How can that store have closed!?!”
“Can’t you get those from Amazon?”
“No. My phone is out of data. Can I borrow yours?”
“Nope. dead.”
The sun shined through the clouds on a store across the street…like God telling me to shop there!
“My social life is saved! They have pajamas just like I wanted!”
On arrival, I noticed Ashley!
She saw me and started running, but I made it in before she could lock up!
Her manager appeared. I said, “Please, ma’am. I need these pajamas.
I don’t care how much they cost. Pretty please?”
The manager said, “Of course! Ashley, turn that sign back to open.”
While we were walking to the dressing room, I knew everything would be O.k.
I felt like a new woman already. These pajamas looked magical!
When they fit, I shrieked with joy!
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